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sam henri gold

I recently discovered this really neat, undocumented preference in Keynote while doing some good ol fashioned Spelunking:

defaults write EnableCustomAccelerationCurves YES

Enjoy your fancy custom timing curves

sam henri gold

obligatory this is undocumented, it could break at any time, blah blah blah.

but live on the edge, ya know? we've only got one life. make some freaky timing curves. treat every magic move like it's your last.

sam henri gold

btw the Random Seed thing is enabled with this key: InspectRandomNumberSeed

sam henri gold

Good number of other strings around those that might be interesting to try out...


@samhenrigold Is that the motion blur they use in WWDC videos? Also, AnimationPluginDevelopment??? 👀👀👀


RIP to everyone's Keynote documents… >_>

sam henri gold

@mflider (slaps the roof of a piece of software i depend on not to crash in the middle of using it) yep this bad boy can fit so many mystery preferences in it


@samhenrigold Haha! If you knew why some of these were added, or what they REALLY do, you would slowly back away from them, like they were coiled rattlesnakes. ;)

Alex Hadfield :ivory_logo:

@samhenrigold How do you make the shapes show up on the side in a side bar?

sam henri gold

@AlexHadfield That’s the layer list! It’s an option under the View button

Alex Hadfield :ivory_logo:

@samhenrigold I’ve been using Keynote for years and had no idea that was a thing. Thanks! Haha

Oliver Busch

@samhenrigold This is really cool, thanks for sharing!
Oh Apple, so much hidden sh…tuff. I run a script containing a dozen settings that are hidden or not exposed to the UI anymore pretty much directly on first use of a new Mac.

What do you use to extract the strings? (Does not look like the standard string tool.)

sam henri gold

@gummibando it is the standard tool! I just pipe it to VS code:

strings <binary> | code -

Oliver Busch

@samhenrigold LOL, maybe I should see an optician. Totally ignored the line numbers clearly visible :)

sam henri gold

@gummibando as an aside, I’ve been loving this new font Berkeley Mono. Really neat ligatures, too

Thibaut Sailly

@samhenrigold you can even alt click on the curve to add intermediate points! Thank you, thank you, and thank you.

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