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@melunaka "Discombobulated" est un mot magnifique. 🙅‍♂️

Switching back to English (my French has unfortunately withered over the years), maybe it's just because it's our word in Wisconsin, but saying it is like bouncing a ball through your mouth. There are more satisfying words ("crisp" starts at the back of the mouth and goes through to the front), but few words are such an effective toy for the mouth. XD

Malaĉa maman chat 🌟

@bluestarultor I’m a big fan of bamboozled and adopted it in French personally x)


@melunaka @bluestarultor Bamboozler?

je bamboozle
tu bamboozles
on bamboozle
ils bamboozlent
vous bamboozlez
nous bamboozlont
elle t'a bamboozlé et tu l'as mérité
il me bamboozlerait


@Taco_lad @melunaka OMG, I had forgotten about these! Laugh-out-loud funny, every single one! XD

Farce Majeure

@SallyStrange @melunaka @bluestarultor Philadelphia has such a simpler grammar:

Jawn jawn
Jawn jawn
Jawn jawn
Jawn jawn

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