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Eugen Rochko

The Mastodon for #iOS TestFlight version now has multi-account login. The TestFlight invite on our Patreon still works! Though the feature will soon be available in the public release.

narF šŸŽ²

@Gargron Does the app support only Mastodon or does it also support other fediverse things like pleroma or Pixelfed?
(It's not a feature request. Just a question)

  Eugen Rochko

@narF Pleroma does use the Mastodon REST API but it is not our aim or responsibility to support non-Mastodon applications in the official Mastodon app

Brayd :mastodon: :vegan:

@Gargron off topic question, but is the count of how many people faved a toot instance wise or global? Because I always just see my own fav (count 1), when favoriting a toot, but I doubt that Iā€™m the only person using this, when posts have 10+ comments. šŸ˜…

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