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Judy Anderson

@hughster @greymatter another vote for the tab. Which I wish was more useful. Once a day seems the sweet spot to not get a ton of repeats. Still some but not annoying. Try to use it every 3-4 hours and all you get is repeats. I scroll down looking at the time posted and only read the things more recent than I last looked. The computer should be able to do that for me.


@nosrednayduj @greymatter Agreed—I think as long as you browse it once a day you won't be annoyed too much as stuff older than a day usually drops off anyway while the newer stuff will still be there tomorrow.

My complaint with it is that it's generic, i.e. not personalised to you at all, so you don't, e.g., have the option for the exact same algorithm to show you the popular things people you actually follow posted that you might've missed.

Judy Anderson

@hughster @greymatter Check out for that usage.

Doesn't really work for what I want, but I don't follow so many people that I miss anything from my follows. I just want explore as "stuff people like don't follow are posting that other people think is important". Like, getting viral stuff. Like, I learned about the Tucker Carlson thing from explore. Which is exactly what I wanted.

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