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Grey Matter

dear #mastodon,

which timeline/feature do you tend to spend the most time on?

p.s. please consider boosting for a more meaningful sample size.


Anonymous poll


2,760 people voted.
Voting ended 27 Apr 2023 at 20:01.
Dan the Architect 🎧

@greymatter Definitely home. I get the most control over content I’m interested in that way.

Christine Dantz

@greymatter Federated and local scroll FAST. My brain doesn't scan THAT quickly 😂


@ChristineDantz @greymatter You can select Slow Mode in your settings 🦥

Grey Matter


wasn't aware of slow mode! but, yeah, the experience is definitely going to vary depending on your instance. trying to digest the local feed of a big instance (like sounds rather impractical, indeed.


@greymatter I use lists, and only occasionally linger in the home or local columns.

Gareth Kitchen
@greymatter It won't be a big number, but mines the 'Bubble' timeline. There are more choices on non-Mastodon instances.

@greymatter There's one more option, bubble timeline. Subset of the federated timeline, limited to domains that your instance lists as friendly.

Grey Matter


interesting! haven't heard of a bubble timeline!

rainbow-sapphire :v_gay:

@greymatter I answered Home but I browse them all regularly. I also love following hashtags.

Andres Jalinton

I spend most of my time on "Home" because I'm in a single user instance. My "local" is only me talking alone and my federated is still pretty much the same as my local + some random toots that usually doesn't match my interests.

Grey Matter


very true, my instance is low volume, so the posts get good visibility, but it's also largely reflected in my local timeline.

if you do want to further populate your federated timeline then you might consider relays. they weren't really a great match for what i was looking for but...

Andres Jalinton

I'm using one relay, but not seeing any difference.
I think it's for the best, I don't like a federated timeline in other languages than Spanish and English.

Grey Matter


unique choice but certainly a respectable option on a big instance like!

Grey Matter


can you further clarify this for me? across what instances?

Dr Pieter Peach

@greymatter @ivory eg I saw your post on Trending on @ivory despite you being on another instance

Alfred Chow - Maker of Things

Lists. It wasn't an option.

Next I look at my Home, and Local equally.


@greymatter ah crap, meant to vote home instead of hashtags... local and federated is a never ending source of "OMG THE WORLD IS ENDING", I avoid them as much as possible

Grey Matter


(mastodon, why you no let people change their vote!?)

can def see how those timelines on a big instance, a la, would be overwhelming!

tbh, and i would probably catch a lot of shit for this in general, but mastodon is rather politics-centric, tons of dooms scrolling on here.


@greymatter agreed. My block list on here is way bigger than what I had on twitter. But I think I finally got it good enough to even be able to peek at public timelines hehhehe


@greymatter Looking at followed hashtags (I don't mean server's list of popular hashtags, just the ones I follow) is a close second.

Grey Matter


i dig it, i also tend to be more content-specific with my usage.


@greymatter 50-50 split between Home and Trending Posts (Explore > Posts on the web interface). A lot of people don't seem to be aware the latter even exists, but for me it's invaluable for finding popular content and users that I might never otherwise have stumbled across.

(As I'm on the biggest server, the Local and Federated feeds are pretty much unusable.)

Grey Matter


well said. the dynamics certainly change based on your instance! i do data scraping on, to make the trending section more reflective of the great masto-sphere, but even that is a lil controversial.


@greymatter I've just had a look at the Trending Posts feed on your instance and I see what you mean–5 items. I'd not looked at the feed on a small instance before and didn't realise it'd be quite so thin, but I suppose it makes sense due to it being based on what people are boosting/sharing on the server.

Looks like your local and federated feeds are at least navigable to compensate for it, though, and it feels a lot more like a community than my server does.

Grey Matter


the crazy thing is that my server's trending section is actually more populated than your typical small server, because of said data scraping. none of those tags are actually trending on my server; i pulled in the data to try to provide a fuller experience for my users.

imo, it's a rather difficult balance to provide, between running your own themed server yet feeling connected with the larger sphere.

i don't know how to address, it is basically a side effect of being decentralized, but i've tried.


the crazy thing is that my server's trending section is actually more populated than your typical small server, because of said data scraping. none of those tags are actually trending on my server; i pulled in the data to try to provide a fuller experience for my users.

imo, it's a rather difficult balance to provide, between running your own themed server yet feeling connected with the larger sphere.


@greymatter Yeah, I think this is the unfortunate downside of the model that, at least in terms of replicating a single discussion space, the architecture naturally rewards larger, more general-purpose servers as they have more active users bringing in a wider variety of different posts and user data from different places for the servers to "know about".

Pauline von Hellermann

@hughster @greymatter ah so “trending” is only what is trending on your own instance, not on mastodon as a whole?

Judy Anderson

@hughster @greymatter another vote for the #explore tab. Which I wish was more useful. Once a day seems the sweet spot to not get a ton of repeats. Still some but not annoying. Try to use it every 3-4 hours and all you get is repeats. I scroll down looking at the time posted and only read the things more recent than I last looked. The computer should be able to do that for me.


@nosrednayduj @greymatter Agreed—I think as long as you browse it once a day you won't be annoyed too much as stuff older than a day usually drops off anyway while the newer stuff will still be there tomorrow.

My complaint with it is that it's generic, i.e. not personalised to you at all, so you don't, e.g., have the option for the exact same algorithm to show you the popular things people you actually follow posted that you might've missed.

Judy Anderson

@hughster @greymatter Check out for that usage.

Doesn't really work for what I want, but I don't follow so many people that I miss anything from my follows. I just want explore as "stuff people like don't follow are posting that other people think is important". Like, getting viral stuff. Like, I learned about the Tucker Carlson thing from explore. Which is exactly what I wanted.

Bealtaine Healy-Rae-Nua ✅️

@greymatter Um. I generally use mastodon in Advanced mode on desktop, so I've always got Home and Local visible...

Grey Matter


cool to hear. i am a big fan of the web interface, and even made a lot of local code changes for it, but they are all largely lost if one chooses to switch to an app.

which is interesting to think about. maybe customizing is kinda pointless.

Nora Reed

@greymatter i said home but i spend a lot of time with only my mentions open


@greymatter I tend to look at Local the most. I hadn't expected that, but I guess your Local experience depends what server you're on. Mine is a place-specific server with a couple dozen regulars talking about locally-relevant stuff - doesn't move too fast or too slow.

Also I might need to tweak my Home feed more. I mostly follow a bunch of hashtags and a few friends (most of whom never talk here, alas). Lists are (currently?) limited in that you can't add hashtags to them.

Grey Matter


definitely dig that. the situation is similar on my server, where local has value, largely because it's such a small and focused community.

i enjoy my home feed but wish i could filter out boosts. the ratio is a little offputting to me. perhaps a reason to use "lists". :hmmm:


@greymatter You can turn off boosts, at least on the web browser. At the upper right there's an icon that looks like three horizontal lines with buttons.

Lukem :xbox: :nintendo:

@greymatter varies between accounts. Here I have very fun local timeline and my following list overlaps a lot with it. But on my other account on a general purpose instance my local timeline is a chaotic hotchpotch of everything and I spend more time _looking_ for cool stuff than _finding_ it.

I check Federated only when I misclick on it.

Grey Matter


makes sense! my server is small so the local feed is something i've focused on and find interesting (lol because it's also mainly curated by my bots and i) but that dynamic certainly changes based on your server.

that said, i think the federated timeline is interesting but, just based off of time i have to give, it tends to hit the backburner.

Stone Bear

@greymatter I realised within the first 15 minutes that "federated" was making Niagra Falls look like a tiny 1" firehose... I would poke at Local for the first couple weeks, but once my feed got big enough and the way I wanted? No need for the others.

Caramelized Shallots

@greymatter Home mostly, but I also check hashtags frequently. I also like to check the local feed on specialist instances that I am interested in but not part of.

Melissa BearTrix 🏳️‍⚧️

@greymatter I have no idea ... Blush ... But I love Mastodon ... giggles

Grey Matter


love this response and the fact you're full of appreciation! :hype_frog:

Mark A. {FalconMarkSix}

@greymatter I use a lot of lists to separate bots from actual people. So I actually use my lists more. But yeah, it's sort of most similar to the "home" column.

Grey Matter


do you experience many bots on here? guess i haven't seen that yet and, well, it's not a rad thing to hear!

Mark A. {FalconMarkSix}

@greymatter Oh when I say bots I mean news bots. Like those bots take posts from an RSS News feed and repost them on Mastodon. I like seeing the news! It's just that there are times I want to see just toots from regular ol' people too. Hence the list of just regular people. 😁

I'm sure there are malicious bots too, but I would never follow them!

Grey Matter


thanks for your feedback! def would have increase the options if mastodon supported more than four (why not!?).


It's a tie between Lists (missing from the poll), Home and hashtags.

Grey Matter


wish i could have increased the options beyond four, but mastodon has a limit. i could have altered my local code to support more buttttt nah.


Yeah, the mastodon limitations are very low, like 4 choices in polls, or 500 characters per-post. I've thought about running my own server just to get around them.

OctoFloofy :Splattershot: :tower_badge: :callie_badge:
@greymatter mostly home and sometimes hashtags. I'm on a single-user instance so local doesn't have any use for me. Federated i barely ever use. Other than that bubble timeline sometimes too.

@greymatter I switch between home and local. Federated (globe icon) has too much culture-war, reminds me of all the reasons I try to limit my Twitter exposure.

防空識別區 The recommended timeline...oh, wait! Mastodon doesn't have that!

Stop That

@greymatter @stopthatgirl7 I use Trending a lot, too. It helps me see things outside my Home bubble

it's B! Cavello 🐝

@greymatter I would be interested to see this question with the second most

steve mookie kong

@greymatter @donmelton

As much as I love the sound of my own voice, I’m on my own single-user instance and my Local timeline reads like the ravings of a madman watching movies, #StarTrek and #StarWars. 🤪


@greymatter I selected “home” but the actual answer is the several lists I’ve sorted my follows into.


@greymatter I’m a compulsive list maker, so I actually often check my curated lists first when I log on.

Michael Fisher

@greymatter @hardly_ted A couple months of curating work here and my home timeline is now, dare I say, *more* vibrant than the Shi**er feed I left behind. I visit Local and Federated only occasionally now, but I used both heavily when I first got started here to find accounts and topics to follow.

The Cadence Collective

@greymatter we spend most of our time with the home timeline and some of the user timelines that we keep pulled up in our #mastodon interface. We will occasionally go over to the federated area, or the local area if our server is having a server wide conversation, but that's not very common.

Tim Chambers

@greymatter I'd actually answer Lists, if that were an option.


@greymatter asking before I poll so I know what I’m on, it has a search icon on The bottom, and a tab at the top that says posts, any idea, mastodon iOS if that helps

Melissa BearTrix 🏳️‍⚧️

@greymatter ok I voted for home, just because I wanted to see the results... Did I win anything because I picked the most popular one ... That's how this works ... Giggles

Melissa BearTrix 🏳️‍⚧️

@greymatter oh ... Should I delete that toot? ... Did I do a spoiler ... I am blond and that is the only defense I have ... Sorry ... Hugz

Mark Darbyshire

@greymatter I chose home, but if lists was an option, it would have been a hard choice. My home feed is a bit chaotic, so I find it useful to keep an eye on certain groups of people whose content I especially like to read.

Dr. Angus Andrea Grieve-Smith

@greymatter I actually spend a lot more time on local than I thought I would. I can't imagine a much more interesting community than the one we have here on, but I still think people wildly overrate the local feed when explaining Mastodon...

Henry Ngo

@greymatter first home, then a list I made for all the people I really want to see content from, since they might post when I am not using the app so they might be too far buried in home. I almost never use the local or federated views now.

Erika Ensign


I use Lists almost exclusively, so my real answer is none of the above, but I picked Home because everyone I follow is assigned to a list, and I do look at all of them (some more often than others).

Panama Red

@greymatter When I first joined Mastodon, I spent a lot more time on the federated timeline and some specific hashtags, but six months later I'm on Home almost exclusively.

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