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Tim Chambers

@blake @andypiper

Which feel like they are most strategic to add here and maybe stuck in discussion mode? Nomadic identity? Better search? Other?

Remote follows is one I have as priority for web ux….

Blake Leonard

@tchambers @andypiper I'd also like to add that search and quote boosts are already contested issues that are at the top of the community's radar (from what I've seen), although getting it into Mastodon and therefore into widespread use is much harder, since its lead devs just don't care.
That's fine though, since both of them are available in *key.

Tim Chambers

@blake @andypiper

So, is this the list of things "in discussion" at Masto levels but that need to catch up to ?

1. True Nomadic Identity, and perhaps being able to use your own domain as your "name."

2. Remote follows (and social engagements) on the web user interface

3. Search - to be more robust

4. Quote Boosts

Did I miss any?

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