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@jerry One day I may be able to have one monitor 😂

Compuguy, Lover of Cats 😸😼

@cirriustech @jerry Nah, I need a minimum of two monitors for decent productivity.


@jerry how are you liking the treadmill+desk combo?

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@jerry seen worse in production, m8.

Sadly I can't legally say ~ where ~ tho...


@jerry funny thing is in theory, less stuff means less cables.

In practice….ah shit, I have all this stuff…


@jerry cable management? As soon as it works I forget about it all


@jerry your humility in just about everything is inspirational. A man whom acknowledges he does not know everything learns how much he can learn..and that is the journey of life. You mastered the journey

Carsten Raddatz
To be fair, cable management can be tricky enough with 1 monitor on 1 machine. You'll get there eventually! (:
Compuguy, Lover of Cats 😸😼

@jerry I think that cable management is pretty darn good! ✅

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