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mav :happy_blob: replied to mav

@Torfinn @EposVox @risottobias so having very briefly skimmed that, it kind of goes where I expected it would based on what I had already read. It's a distributed object store and it sounds like a really cool one if I had a use for one. It does seem like a logical place to start with a kind of distributed archive for key pieces of information.

What I don't understand is this whole web3 thing, and how this relates to cryptocurrency. I don't see that they relate at all, other than they use cryptography and are distributed. Lots of things do those two things.

@Torfinn @EposVox @risottobias so having very briefly skimmed that, it kind of goes where I expected it would based on what I had already read. It's a distributed object store and it sounds like a really cool one if I had a use for one. It does seem like a logical place to start with a kind of distributed archive for key pieces of information.

Torfinn replied to mav

@mav @EposVox @risottobias so after reading the white paper at a glance I think you can recognize that not only is IPFS distributed peer to peer network, but also that it relies on a chain of immutable data as described in the IPFS launchpad curriculum I linked.

Note, IPFS is considered by the designers and maintainers of IPFS as the linkage between web2 and web3 by enabling content addressable data the mission of filecoin to incentivize distributed decentralized data storage and ultimately safeguard all of humanities most important data. Content addressable is a step in a process.

@mav @EposVox @risottobias so after reading the white paper at a glance I think you can recognize that not only is IPFS distributed peer to peer network, but also that it relies on a chain of immutable data as described in the IPFS launchpad curriculum I linked.

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