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Григорий Клюшников

Humane Tech Now, I prefer to actually do stuff instead of spending years and years being ignored or talking and not agreeing on anything at all because the number of potential use cases grows indefinitely. I did my best to try and make use of this process, but it clearly didn't work.

I needed a mechanism to append things to someone else's collections and I made one, and I published a FEP, and other developers said that the thing I made is good. I don't like all this theoretical talk because it doesn't move the world forward in any meaningful way. Building a concrete implementation, and then proposing a standard along with a demonstration that it actually works and achieves what it needs to achieve, works much better.

1 comment
  smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)

@grishka sure, and can't blame you in the slightest. It does not really matter how the process is set up, and if things are documented before or after the fact. You participate in discussions, and FEP process, which is more than many others do.

Also the fedi specs work best if ones use cases are already well represented, and just need some tweaks and extension here and there. But if widespread, rich interop is where your app starts off and thrives, its a much more risky bet to 'just start'.

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