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I just released #Smithereen 0.5.

This release brings lots of much-needed improvements:
- Federation is now more reliable thanks to retrying. Smithereen now also keeps track of federation errors and stops delivery to servers that are down.
- Reporting (Flag activity) is now supported. The corresponding moderation UI is very minimal for now, but that will improve in future versions.
- Long comment threads can now be paginated through and seen in their entirety.

#activitypub #mastodev


One more thing I forgot: there's now support for federation blocking. Blocked domains are always publicly displayed in /system/about.

The next release will be even more important: I'll implement private messages and friends-/followers-only posts, at last! As far as federation is concerned, this will bring feature parity with Mastodon.


Here's some screenshots of the new UIs.


Hey @grishka, long time no see. Glad to have you back. :)


@mariusor this was a huge update and I was also busy with the Mastodon app


@grishka I was commenting that I haven't seen you post in general, not just about Smithereen. :) I'm glad you're keeping busy.

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