@FediFollows @kdenlive @tenacity @Krita @krita_artists @kritafoundation @darktable @inkscape @blender@video.blender.org @Blender@mastodon.social Might I suggest Faststone Image Viewer for very fast and effective image organising. (Windows only I think). You can add in other editing programmes so it will send them to that application.
I've used it in conjunction with a few editing programmes that don't have a management system. Highly effective.
They don't appear to have any social media presence though.
@derekbrauders @FediFollows @kdenlive @tenacity @Krita @krita_artists @kritafoundation @darktable @inkscape @blender@video.blender.org @Blender@mastodon.social
The Faststone viewer runs fine on Linux under Wine