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I'm fairly sure most of my direct followers are not using Twitter anymore, but here is a very good example of where this platforms stands as of yet.

Please, if you're still using Twitter, just stop, you're just enabling this manchild.

10 comments | Expand all CWs
pwofi :verified_gay:

@ShadowJonathan it's becoming more and more of a shitshow by the day, it was pretty funny at the start but this is just... wtf

david :apartyblobcat:

@ShadowJonathan replying with a poop emoji, very professional..

keschi / cache :blobCat_in_box:

@daviddd @ShadowJonathan it's an automated reply to ""

pivotman319 🦊 :aromantic: :flagace:

@ShadowJonathan they were always an idiotic manchild from the start, who always gets upset whenever someone points out that they're not a good person

jr :verified: i dont understand why people stay there. if this were any other site doing this, they would have abandoned it in a heartbeat, but the people on twitter are bending over backwards in the mental gymnastics department to remain.


@ShadowJonathan amazing how musk keeps removing blocks from the jenga tower that is twitter and it still refuses to collapse


@awfulawfulthings yet another example of how world just magically bends in favour of morbidly rich people

Richard K Niner ➡️ ANE, FE

@ShadowJonathan chuckling at how people are still only just finding out about the poop emoji thing and focusing on that instead of *gestures at all of it*

Chloe Raccoon

@ShadowJonathan @VulpineAmethyst Funnily, I left due to other reasons (like, being thrown into the tweetdeck beta, which took the worse bits of tweedeck, and the worse bits of the website, and merged them...) a week before the buy out. I have been viewing it as "leaving early to avoid the rush" now.


@ShadowJonathan still les impressive than answers by thepiratebay manager.

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