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Dr. Quadragon ❌

Conceptually, new init systems like Systemd, launchd, openrc, etc. actually allow the rest of the system to be even more inline with Unix philosophy of "do one thing and do it well" by taking on a lot of complexities that hitherto the application themselves had to deal with, like logging, socket activation, daemon watchdogging, etc. etc.

Now you actually can write a simple daemon in 5 minutes that has literally no logging other than stdout output and may even non-critically crash from time to time. Systemd will take care of the rest.

Mo Rijndael (archive)

@drq systemd is shit and fucking bloated init

But nice and lil-bloated process supervisor


@drq systemd нужно распилить, например. А там видно будет, что выживет.

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