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Eugen Rochko

@revisaALT I'm not a native English speaker! And I've started learning Spanish now

1 comment
Sjôk'Dīze :macos:

@Gargron my bad. Sorry 😖
However…I made a quick research and found about active and passive vocabulary. The first ones are used very frequently, and the later are those that were learned but are barely used…so I assume you may take longer to remember what that fancy word you found on an article meant, for example.

Susie Dent says that an adult English speaker has an average of 20.000 words in their passive vocabulary.

Around 1,000 words represent the 89% we use for writing

@Gargron my bad. Sorry 😖
However…I made a quick research and found about active and passive vocabulary. The first ones are used very frequently, and the later are those that were learned but are barely used…so I assume you may take longer to remember what that fancy word you found on an article meant, for example.

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