In the future, we won’t have first and last names.
Instead, we’ll be referred to by our domains and subdomains.
My passport will say chris.trottier—and that will be that.
In the future, we won’t have first and last names. Instead, we’ll be referred to by our domains and subdomains. My passport will say chris.trottier—and that will be that. 9 comments
@atomicpoet Not quite as funny when you hear of folk registering their newborns names as email addresses and usernames. :) @atomicpoet So basically the plot device in the dystopia "Jennifer Government" by Max Barry, except you think your surname won't be a mega corp brand. :pika: @atomicpoet In the present, I am Adam Have been since the 90s really. 🤷 The future isn't evenly distributed I suppose. @atomicpoet |
@atomicpoet Interesting. I've always kind of viewed us a nodes.