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Another Angry Woman

"blah blah blah biological sex!"
"Sorry, can I just clarify, by that do you mean rawdogging, or are you talking about body-safe lubes?"

"blah blah blah sex based rights"
"You're quite correct, I'm sure you're aware that gay saunas are rapidly vanishing and it's a crying shame we are losing these crucial community spaces"

David Mowatt

@stavvers "single sex spaces" nah I reckon you could fit at least six people in here if you're adventurous

Interpipes 💙

@ducklingsmith @stavvers “single sex spaces? Is that like.. some sort of a masturbation cubicle, or..?”

Interpipes 💙

@ducklingsmith @stavvers “..because I certainly hope you don’t mean *single-use* sex spaces, that sounds very wasteful to me, people are upset about plastic straws as it is and you’re suggesting some sort of.. what, room condom?”

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