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Yami no senshi

@CliffWade I was a long time Android user, around the Sony Xperia Z series era and a bit later I’ve had a bunch of phones from Sony, Motorola and on from ZTE but the experience of my last Android phones Xperia Z5 overheating and throttle issues and Bending of the smartphone and the horrid Battery Management of the ZTE phone, killing Apps in the background and even Bluetooth connections constantly without being able to change this without root drove me to iOS and iPadOS

Cliffy Claus 🎅

@Yami_no_senshi Those things can certainly be frustrating when you experience them. Luckily, I don't have those issues on Android. I just prefer the app ecosystem on iOS as it just works so well.

Yami no senshi

@CliffWade it depends on the Android manufacturer and thier Android implementation the Chinese brands with their massive Customization / Skins on top of stock Android are often quite bad I liked Sony because they near stock Android with minimal changes and of course now the Pixels my mom got a Pixel 4a on my recommendation after her Honor got outdated and she likes it. It’s just bad the update support of the 4a ends this year

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