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Martin Holland

@heiseonline Our web-developers began preparing our very own #instance at the end of the year, I think, which took its time. Especially the automation needed work, because simply crossposting from #Twitter wouldn't do. Special wishes from me included adding a picture and a couple of hashtags to each posts – on Twitter it was always only two, but #Mastodon needs way more. And we have them in the articles themselves.

Martin Holland

@heiseonline In January we finally moved the main account to our own #instance ( Since then it is being filled mainly automatically with all the articles. The accounts for our other magazines work in the same way.

The instance itself is also for employees, there are currently about three dozen accounts, some #editors, #webdevs and #authors, for whom the instance acts as a verification. Other editors have kept their older profiles on different instances.

@heiseonline In January we finally moved the main account to our own #instance ( Since then it is being filled mainly automatically with all the articles. The accounts for our other magazines work in the same way.

Martin Holland

@heiseonline In terms of #visits our accounts on #Mastodon still lags behind#Twitter and in the past few days the margin grew even bigger. My feeling is, that this coincides with a larger trend of Mastodon in German growing quieter. Let's see, if this is temporary and what the increasing activity in the US brings.

The #engagment under our posts on the other hand is enourmous, the number of #boosts, #likes and #comments dwarves what we get on #Twitter.

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