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Tony Stubblebine

@MouseAT @IceCubesApp

Funded time for the developer to build whatever features he & the community wants, additional help (most likely design).


@coachtony @IceCubesApp Honestly, this has red flags all over it. I'm getting major "Medium wants to insert itself into one of the best apps for Mastodon, at the expense of users" vibes from this whole conversation.

I'd rather have slower development, rather than be at the whims of Medium here. I don't see Medium suddenly becoming a middle man being a net gain for users in any way. I'm concerned for the future of Ice Cubes, and am not seeing Medium as a good Fedi citizen, here.


@coachtony @IceCubesApp It’s quite telling that the conversation didn’t start with “How can Medium make Ice Cubes better?”, but instead is all about “How can we take advantage of Ice Cubes users to make Medium money?”

Tony Stubblebine

@MouseAT @IceCubesApp

There's no perfect way to have this discussion. People are so suspicious of corporations here that I thought it better to lead with that.

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