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i tried a few internet searches for more information, but i immediately got lost in a sea of spam and SEO crap


@tubetime Yes! I remember one. It had a small weight which it lifted with a solenoid every few minutes, with a distinct sound, like a sigh. I think it ran on a C battery, 1.5V. I have a feeling the clock might have been made in DDR or East Europe.

The Secretbatcave

@tubetime I think you might have better luck googling “standard electric time company” they made a line of electric windup reference clocks. IBM also made some as well (

Gents of Leicester make a “clonk” style clock which has a “hip” toggle to control a solenoid that kicks the pendulum. But they are more of a European thing

Mike Hicks

@tubetime Yes, my grandmother had one that would do that. I figure it had something to do with the chime mechanism, but I couldn't say for sure


@tubetime try googling power wound watchspring

Dantali0n :arch: :i3:

@tubetime this is basically any google search recently, especially when looking to compare products. Just a seo of auto generated and AI content that offers no actual practical information. Will only get worse 🙃

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