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Ethan Zuckerman

@J12t I understand, and the idea of the loyal server is very much at the heart of most fediverse theories. I just don't think it works for most users. I think control over clients is something most users understand, which is why we're focused there.

Johannes Ernst

@ethanz You think "loyal server [doesn't] work for most users" because ...?

E.g. I'm writing this from, where I'm a voting member like everybody else, I don't have to own or maintain the server, but there is no incentive for anybody to make it non-loyal.

Ethan Zuckerman

@J12t But that’s not the problem we are trying to solve. I love and would love to see more experiments. But we are trying to let people read from Twitter, Mastodon and Reddit using the same tool and sorting results based on their personal criteria. That’s better done at the edge of the network, aka a client.

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