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Yuriy T.

Hi community,

I am Yuriy, 34 years old.

Father, husband, labrador owner. Living on macos for programming and pc for gaming.

I needed to update my old macbook and decided to make an experiment: I ordered Framework to give a chance to Linux on desktop. I haven't been used linux for probably 12 years, but I got tired of macos for this years, and I need to add some fun to my life :D.

Will try to post some photos of playing with this constructor as i ordered DIY version...

Yuriy T.

Unfortunately I have paws not hands and every DIY looks like a hell to me. But it seems it should not be much more complicated than building a PC (thanks God I can manage it).


@azzz hey, Yuriy! I'm looking forward to see this! Btw I'm everyday Linux user, so you may ask me something. (As, almost, anyone else on fediverse, I guess)

Yuriy T.

@albusdianthus last time when I used linux, I had wonderful quests after each "pacman -Syu". As far I know the situation is much better now. Especially if not using Arch


@azzz well, I'm using Arch everyday, so... It's not stable, but I like it's simplicity so much, just can't use another distro. It's great for developers, but not for users

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