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i built a hackintosh running Sierra six years ago… seems like everything’s dropping support of that OS lately, so I gotta do a new install of *something*… I guess it would be simpler to switch to linux but unfortunately I like terrible and challenging situations so gonna try to hackintosh again


after a brief look into doing a Ventura install it’s like… my gpu isn’t compatible (nvidia), my processor isnt compatible (skylake), my ssd isnt compatible (samsung)… gdi

Doug Webb

@lake ah :(

Well, this distro is meant to be pretty smooth and mac-like in case you try the linux route

good luck whatever you do 🍀


@douginamug oh very cool thank you!! Am definitely open to distros trying to be mac replacements.

my computer ethos has always been having something that’s modular, compatible with the programs I use, and Not windows

i originally went down the hackintosh rabbit hole because it was cool to me that it was possible

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