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Simon Bitdiddle


The question becomes how sync'd this is with the actual production system or if it's something they're putting out there just to sate people.

Hello, yes, this is Gregly

@simon_bitdiddle @thomasfuchs Oh, there’s no way they’re syncing this with prod. At least I’d be extremely surprised if they did.

Simon Bitdiddle

@glindsey @thomasfuchs

I wonder if people who are forking it are making enhancements or fixing bugs and Twitter are using those efforts to fix their bugs in prod.

I also wonder if Twitter is trying to hire people who do that sort of thing.

God, came up with a novel supply chain attack: We copied code from someone who patched a bug in the code we published but it turned out to be poorly crafted/intentionally buggy.

We can't demand that they fix it because we didn't get permission to use it.

Simon Bitdiddle


I think the amusing thing would be to see them actively develop day-to-day on this and then suddenly /stop/ right around the same time an announced round of firing occurred.

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