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@mos_8502 @thomasfuchs It's remarkable to watch (from afar) Elon's string of unforced errors since his hasty offer to buy Twitter. I can't imagine he's having fun at this point, and don't understand why he won't turn management over to competent professionals (ala SpaceX).


@grumble209 He has to keep running the show, because he's done everything very publicly and can't admit now that he's not a know it all genius... erm, I mean... genius who knows everything.

He's manœvered himself into a corner and his ego is keeping him there. On a human level, quite sad, actually.

@mos_8502 @thomasfuchs


But what competent person would be foolish enough to accept that job?

@grumble209 @mos_8502 @thomasfuchs

Mori Bat

@grumble209 @mos_8502 @thomasfuchs

who would want the job? He's turned T into such a trash fire. It won't be able to support itself without more money funneled in to reverse Musk's actions.

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