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Laura Sykes #Greeneralia

I voted 'qualified yes' and feel I owe you an explanation.
If I ruled the world, each university would host its own Mastodon instance.
The problem I foresee, a possible cloud - hence my qualification - is the practical business of finding/funding people to do the donkey work of hosting...
But assuming that - possibly minor and theoretical? - stumbling block could be overcome, my vote would be 'strong yes' :ablobthinking:

Evan Prodromou

@greeneralia I was with you until you called system administration "donkey work". That's not a term I'm familiar with but it doesn't sound particularly respectful.

Laura Sykes #Greeneralia

It certainly wasn't meant disrespectfully, but in the sense that the work of 'keeping the show on the road', system administration, presumably involves occasional flashes of a magician's wand backed up by a certain amount of housekeeping, without which the system would collapse?

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