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Dirk Hohndel

Or you could just, you know, hear me out here, not give a duck and leave the stupid hell site.

But that's the thing. Too many people crave the attention. I haven't been on Twitter in five months and am thrilled.

Edited to add...
This was NOT meant to imply that Mike is craving the attention (but poorly phrased). It's meant to say that so many people still spend so much time over there and it seems just not giving a duck about Twitter would be better...


Mike Masnick ✅

@dirkhh @chancerydaily as I keep saying, I kinda need to be there for my job. My account is locked down and I barely tweet, so maybe don't scold people you don't know?

Dirk Hohndel

Not sure I'm "scolding"
I just think that less attention to Twitter would be better.


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