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Solinvictus :verified:

@EU_Commission @ombudsman @EDPS could you please make sure Content Warnings are set appropriately, specifically for such posts?

Szymon Nowicki

@dminca @EU_Commission @ombudsman @EDPS dude just stop following. Or move to a closed instance safe from all the dangers in the world

Solinvictus :verified:

@hey wow, I couldn’t have thought of that, you’re a genius mate. How about the others that are following? Perhaps some are underaged

Szymon Nowicki

@dminca i know! A news about Bucha and vague photo of some excavator so much NSFW and kids. Omg. Scary stuff. Go to every news TV channel ask them to stop broadcasting before 21:00 so kids are not upset. I wonder what kind of content warning those soldiers get that are being killed every day. Hundreds of them. Go there ask them if it’s upsetting.

It’s EU commission account. There is war in Europe. It’s a daily reality for many.

Solinvictus :verified:

@hey please, you are shifting the topic here. My point is about Content Warning, and as with all posts on the Internet, there’s a Netiquette which must be respected for common sense.

Now your other topic, yes, there’s war happening and people are dying which is really disturbing and not right at all! I’m with you here, but kids minds don’t have to be tainted, they have nothing to do in this equation, does it make sense? 🙌

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