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Chris Adams

@mekkaokereke those stories always annoy me because there are both obvious counter-examples (e.g. most soccer fans I know prefer women’s because there’s less diving) and it’s also like … you mean to tell me you get the highest level of sport when it pays well enough to be the best choice for highly-skilled and motivated people? If only there was an obvious explanation…

Zack Stern

@acdha @mekkaokereke I can’t stand the men’s diving. Plus USWNT plays so well.

Chris Adams

@zackstern @mekkaokereke This is probably reflecting some successful AYSO coaching at a young age but I really appreciate playing soccer as a team sport – don't try to be the best guy on the field, be part of the best-playing team.

Putting it that way, someone with an actual athletic career could probably make a fair amount of money selling that book as career advice for developers. We sure could use periodic reminders.


@acdha @mekkaokereke I also think that diving seems to be more prevalent in men's soccer. It absolutely takes away from the game.

I only watch casually, so whether I watch men or women play tends to be based on availability. Any live games I see are women because I have a cousin who coaches a women's team. Most international professional games I see are men because there are more on TV. Most USNT games I see are women because the WNT is in tournaments longer.

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