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sam henri gold

Updated to use GPT-4 bios. It still lies about every biographical detail, which is great.

Sam Henri Gold is a product designer and a surprisingly skilled ventriloquist. At design meetings, he often uses his dummy to voice unpopular opinions or to deflect criticism, insisting that "it wasn't me, it was the puppet!"
Sam Henri Gold’s car was last seen floating through the Hudson River during blizzard of 1978. Search parties still comb southern NY for signs of the vehicle to this very day.
Michael Steeber

@samhenrigold you jump the line or is it easy to get access to the API now?

sam henri gold

@michaelsteeber pre-generated about 300 lines and wrote a serverless function to spit one out at random. all untouched from the output, I just did it this way as insurance against
1. it going off on some antisemitic spree, and
2. someone abusing the API and having to foot an absurd bill

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