On this April Fools' Day, I found myself a fool.
A few months ago, I wrote a simple program. It scans game servers list and reports anything suspicious, unexpected or if someone just tries to flood the list with curses or shady links. ;)
Despite the protocol isn't really defined, I decided to make validator especially strict. No extensions allowed! Or so I thought...
Unless our friends who maintain engine fork on old unsupported protocol suddenly decided to add an extension. And it broke validator. And validator automatically banned everyone who used that fork.
A few months ago, I wrote a simple program. It scans game servers list and reports anything suspicious, unexpected or if someone just tries to flood the list with curses or shady links. ;)
Despite the protocol isn't really defined, I decided to make validator especially strict. No extensions allowed! Or so I thought...
Unless our friends who maintain engine fork on old unsupported protocol suddenly decided to add an extension. And it broke validator. And validator automatically banned everyone who used that fork.