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@MnemosyneSinger I must respectfully disagree. Absurdism = Nihilism + Cannabis

the happy leftist

@LibertyForward1 ah yes, the famous Camus quote, "should I kill myself or smoke a joint?" 😜

Mx. Luna Corbden

@MnemosyneSinger @LibertyForward1 That's what's been keeping me alive for a few years now!


@corbden @MnemosyneSinger Hey, me too! Thankfully it's still federally Schedule I in an attempt to protect us from such dangerous mindsets

Scully :spacePhone:

@MnemosyneSinger the implication is that preffering life having no meaning is absurd? What's wrong with being fine with not being defined by a need for purpose? I think the only problem with existing that way is everyone around you still demanding you have one.

the happy leftist

@OsculaUltima I think you may be confusing absurdism with absurdity. Absurd in the context of absurdism (as in the philosophical theory) is not loaded with a good or bad implication. So, there is nothing wrong with being fine with life having no meaning, and that's exactly what absurdism says. "One must imagine Sisyphus happy."

Scully :spacePhone:

@MnemosyneSinger you're right I misunderstood I guess. But I do disagree with believing in absurdism enjoying the idea of being sisyphus. That or I like the idea of life having no meaning, and the ideals don't align with absurdism. Life is absurd. People chase for meaning in such varying subjective ways to no end. I see everyone else a happily being sisyphus, and I am too but I'm happier when I don't push the rock. Maybe I'll just sit on it instead.

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