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Eugen Rochko

Will not forgive my phone for knowing aluminum but not recognizing aluminium for some reason


@Gargron That's from a diatribe peter sellers wrote where he says england should take america back and teach them the word is "aluminium", among other things. Not turning up in a search unfortunately. It's very funny. Dated sometime around the beginning of the war on Iraq.


@Gargron given that you are using American English spelling (recognizing) rather than British English (recognising), isn't that to be expected?

Anyway, I do prefer 'aluminium', given I'm Dutch and that's also its spelling in my mother-tongue.

(Interestingly enough btw, 'aluminum' (the AmE spelling) actually is an older spelling than 'aluminium' (BrE spelling), and if the name hadn't been amended by Sir Humphry Davy, we could even have been calling it 'alumium' (note the missing 'n'). See etymology of 'aluminum')

#etymology #linguistics

@Gargron given that you are using American English spelling (recognizing) rather than British English (recognising), isn't that to be expected?

Anyway, I do prefer 'aluminium', given I'm Dutch and that's also its spelling in my mother-tongue.

(Interestingly enough btw, 'aluminum' (the AmE spelling) actually is an older spelling than 'aluminium' (BrE spelling), and if the name hadn't been amended by Sir Humphry Davy, we could even have been calling it 'alumium' (note the missing 'n'). See etymology of 'aluminum'

Григорий Клюшников

Android (Gboard) is pretty good with English. Russian tho... It annoys me to no end that it doesn't know half the forms of many commonly used words. Also had to teach it to swear.

Ricardo J. Méndez

@Gargron A modern-day Eddie Izzard routine waiting to happen.


haha! i missed that spelling difference! 😁

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