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Fedilab Apps

Do you lose your position when coming back to #Fedilab?

Anonymous poll


Yes, each time
Yes, it happens
No, it's ok
What's fedilab?
52 people voted.
Voting ended 30 Mar 2023 at 20:32.
ZbeulFanix ⏚ ⸫

@apps It's been bad some time ago but I feel it's much better now. Maybe it happens sometime? Not enough for me to really notice and even less get angry about itg


Got a lot better after re-enabling "remember the position" (or similar), got worse at one point, so I had to. Would prefer to have them reloaded on opening the app after some time only, but it seems that that's a tough call

Fedilab Apps

Yes, remember position (enabled by default) was Introduced to help people that want to read newest messages when coming back.


@apps In the meaning of lying down on the sofa?


@apps Sometimes the app seems to discard the cache, losing the position in the way.

As in, sometimes, the app will open in a blank feed.


@apps More specifically... I have 2 accounts, and whichever one I was looking at before going to bed is pretty much at the same place the next morning. The other account is around 24 hours out of date.

Jan (DL1JPH)

It's rare, but if it does happen it seems to correlate with scrolling in just the same instant as fetching new posts completes. It's really hard to be sure of this, though, as it's not reliably reproducible - I might well be seeing ghosts here.

Chris Lieb

I don't know if you consider it listing my position, but sometimes when I open the app back up (I think after it got evicted from memory), the position will be one toot older than when I left the app. This seems to only happen when I was caught up to the latest when I left the app. (Maybe the most recent isn't marked until after the top of the toot has scrolled onto the screen, but that isn't possible for the toot at the top of the list )

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