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ZIMA.πŸ”ͺ :yeen_badge:​:villain_heart:​

@paul β€œWe pinged Twitter for comment, but its press email auto-replied with a poop emoji.”


Guy English

@paul We pinged Twitter for comment, but its press email auto-replied with a poop emoji.

Marcus Noble

@paul I was caught out by this today and was very confused.

Michael Simpson

@paul β€œPlease pay $8 for context.”

Amit Meena

@paul Twitter is getting really bad πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ


@paul and there’s a corollary: in a sufficiently terribly managed tech company, a bug is indistinguishable from a new feature


@paul glad we agree now remove your "Read Only" nonsense and let people post normal like every other mastodon app in existence.

Kyle Niemeyer

@paul they/he just continue making changes that make it less and less likely I will ever use Twitter again


@paul This!
Example: The piece of functionality we accidentally left out of a delivery.

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