The dual of the famous new hat tiling.
Twenty-Seven on the HyperRogue discord used dual to make it easier to tell which tiles are adjacent in the game, but in HR 12.1k it looked "cursed" because the hats were not centered well (it is better in HR 12.1l). Dui Mauris Football had an idea to make an animation in which the center changes. We get a "wavy" look because the hats have different rotations and mirror symmetries.
In the second animation, the center movement is simpler, but we change the hats (like in Also the hats are shown.
And the third animation is a calmer version.
One more interesting thing: the "hats" are 14-gons (counting the long edge as two), what happens when we try to draw a "straight line" by exit each tile via the edge opposite (+7) to the edge we have entered it? (Bulls in Bull Dash move like this...)
The result gets very random, especially compared to the Penrose kite-and-dart (despite both being based on a hierarchical construction).