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@mcc In my opinion, the real problem with this and other such scenarios really boils down to: just because a "rationalist" can imagine it doesn't mean it's logically consistent with reality.

The most obvious case of this is whenever EY goes on (and on and on, at length) about Newcomb's paradox, which is only possible if you assume that hyperintelligent omniscient beings which can solve the Halting Problem in O(1) time are possible. So much of the Less Wrong dreck falls apart if you know... like... anything about the subjects that EY thinks he's talking about.

In a nutshell, Less Wrong is what happens if you learn everything you know about math, physics, ethics, and philosophy from economists.

rellik moo


Excuse me, I'm just going to pull this up and out on its own to highlight it:

In a nutshell, Less Wrong is what happens if you learn everything you know about math, physics, ethics, and philosophy from economists.



@chronos @mcc newcomb's paradox wasn't originally a lesswrong thing though?


@suushikijitsu @mcc No, Newcomb's problem predates LW, but as best as I can tell Newcomb's problem is built on top of the same misguided field that taught Big Yud everything he knows: the side of economics that got really, really obsessed with behavioral sociology and invented Homo economicus as an idealized "rational" approximation of human behavior.

Edit: I posted a whole thing about it on my blog:

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