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"...gotta stop chasing rainbows..."

#Thanks for your sharing your ever a/be/musing work.



A four panel comic in line drawn style.

Panel 1: A person sits in an armchair reading a book beneath a lamp, next to a bookshelf. On a side table, more books are stacked with a mug on top of them. The person says "I've read so much."

Panel 2: The person looks up from their book and says "But lived so little."

Panel 3: They have gotten up to open the curtains, exclaiming "I bet a world of wonders awaits me outside!"

Panel 4: The person looks away from the window, deadpan. Outside the world is on fire, aliens are attacking, there is lightning and in the distance an atom bomb appears to have detonated.


A four panel comic in line drawn style.

Panel 1: A person sits in an armchair reading a book beneath a lamp, next to a bookshelf. On a side table, more books are stacked with a mug on top of them. The person says "I've read so much."

Panel 2: The person looks up from their book and says "But lived so little."


@warandpeas feel the same way every time I watch the news πŸ˜‚

ikt πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

@warandpeas it's good but maybe if the window was turning on a pc or a smartphone? opening a window is great! especially as i get to look at a bunch of trees 😊

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