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chef 😎

@dgar Yep. Heard it so many times. The part of the sentence after the 'but' was always negative, full of misinformation and hate, depressing or aggressive.

#racism #empathy #humanism

System IV, Building K

@dgar @Hey_Beth Thanks for reblogging this, @Hey_Beth, it pairs well with my pontificating in another thread.

Most humans will suffer until the false constructs of race and nationality, which have no basis in any science or even survival/utility (quite the opposite), are abandoned.


@dgar Thats more than half of Twitter these days


@dgar Please enjoy this informative illustration that depicts a racist but.

Air Quotes Comedian

@dgar I'm not racist, but rally is clearly more fun than Formula 1.

Sapere Aude


There's a vast socio-cultural gap between US and EU.



"racist" is in the running for the most abused word in the English language. Frequently an epithet hurled at someone in disagreement.

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