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💜 pry 💜

@neauoire I love that paper a lot and also the talk "the future of programming" by Bret Victor

lots of great ideas from the past that still have not been adopted.

I don't really know very much about this but it feels like part of the problem is how CPUs are designed. we have extremely fast out of order processors connected to a very large and complex memory hierarchy

unless of course the paper is just talking about programming style. but idk it's much harder for me to map functional programming to assembly or what hardware does

Devine Lu Linvega

@pry Backus talks about how the current CPU design hinders alternative ways of programming because they might not map well to the current CPU/RAM style architecture where you branch and jump to labels and things.

That Bret Victor talk is excellent btw, I'm due for a rewatch.

💜 pry 💜

@neauoire I suppose I wonder what an alternative CPU / assembly model looks like? a stack machine? I don't really know what a functional cpu would look like. maybe I should look into lisp machines

Devine Lu Linvega

@pry In the paper I linked up on top, if you can get over the snarky remarks ;), Backus goes on defining a few alternative futures, one of those is something like a stack machine.

But there's a lot of different possibilities, the lisp machines don't really do anything special but are still worth looking into:

You might get a kick out of the LispKit books(SECD-style), or the BQN VM(APL-style):

@pry In the paper I linked up on top, if you can get over the snarky remarks ;), Backus goes on defining a few alternative futures, one of those is something like a stack machine.

But there's a lot of different possibilities, the lisp machines don't really do anything special but are still worth looking into:

Devine Lu Linvega

@pry alternatively, you can imagine a Thue-like computer where its only instruction is string replacement, and how that might look like.

💜 pry 💜

@neauoire ooh this is a very interesting fixpoint sort of computation model

Devine Lu Linvega

@pry You might want to look into OCCAM parallel computing, or Fredkin's BBM:

Or, imagine a OISC that is just Fractran, its one task is to hold prime encoded numbers and multiply! There's so many cool designs out there to try. I'd love to see a combinatory computer where opcodes are permutations of the combinatorics :mocking:

Or ternary!

Or linear!

💜 pry 💜

@neauoire yea idk hardware design for these sorts of models is such a fascinating problem. this summer I'll be working at a company designing CPUs (am just doing software simulation work) but I rlly do want to spend some more time thinking about alternate methods of instantiating computation in hardware

💜 pry 💜

@neauoire ooh I have been meaning to look into SECD and yea just checked and the paper mentions Mago which looks like it might be another thread to look into

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