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Will Oremus

Antisemitic tweets have more than doubled on Twitter since Elon Musk took over, a new study finds.

Asked for comment, Musk's press department auto-responded with a poop emoji.

Kevin Russell

@chrisculling @willoremus

There isnt any 'cuz' in the subversion of the democracy.

Trying to explain actions or excuses is a mugs game, and it induces many people to say "oh ok" as if a corporation repoinding to a charge of anti semitism with "shit" - is somehow not a sign of the apocalyptic assault on America by nazis.

Ruby Sinreich

@willoremus To be fair, the poop emoji is their default response to anything sent to I'm not kidding.


@ruby @willoremus It just means Musk has poop on his brains. Given his coloration, he strikes me as a chickenshit...


@ruby @willoremus That may explain the behavior but it doesn’t excuse it. Elon should be pilloried for his immature foolishness.

Rob ☘️:d20:

@willoremus I'm sure that's completely coincidental and has nothing to do with him purging the safety team.


@willoremus I thought the poop emoji thing was a joke, but nope. :/

So glad I'm gone from there.


@jay @willoremus yeah, I sometimes go back to warm myself by the dumpster fire, (and laugh at the complete nonsense) but it really has been so much better over here.



Saying something that includes the words George Soros is not talking about the person George Soros. The words George Soros have become synonymous with Antisemitism.

So now they have a tool like using 'woke' to say those other guys that are not like us deserve to be dead.

This is such a silly problem.


@LaNaehForaday @willoremus now it means 'woke liberal' indeed, if we read some daily mail propaganda about Soros. What was synonymous to Antisemitism is Orban in Hungary, he just dislikes Soros as well


@mikec415 @webuiltthiscity He, pressed his luck.

Nicole Parsons


Elon Musk got the money to buy Twitter from Morgan Stanley & Saudi Arabia.

Big Oil has invested heavily in social media platforms.

The oil industry wants to keep frying the planet, so it funds anti-democracy movements like White Nationalists.

The oil industry uses its profits to fry democracy and to fry the planet.


Elon Musk got the money to buy Twitter from Morgan Stanley & Saudi Arabia.

Big Oil has invested heavily in social media platforms.


@willoremus Understanding #Antisemitism on Twitter After Musk New research from CASM Tech, ISD found major, sustained spike in #antisemitic posts on birdsite since company’s takeover by Musk 10/27/22. Powered by award-winning digital analysis technology Beam & based on a powerful hate speech detection methodology combining over 20 leading ML models researchers found that volume of English-language antisemitic tweets more than doubled in period following Musk’s takeover.

@willoremus Understanding #Antisemitism on Twitter After Musk New research from CASM Tech, ISD found major, sustained spike in #antisemitic posts on birdsite since company’s takeover by Musk 10/27/22. Powered by award-winning digital analysis technology Beam & based on a powerful hate speech detection methodology combining over 20 leading ML models researchers found that volume of English-language antisemitic tweets more than doubled in period following Musk’s takeover.


@willoremus For Elon, what matters most is no Anti-Elonism, and perhaps anti-fascism or anti-narcissism, because he feels belonged to the last two also.

Aral Balkan

@willoremus “Asked for comment, Musk's press department auto-responded with a poop emoji.”



@aral @willoremus

And whoever is still on twitter now shares some responsibility for this. If those who could easily have done so would already have left in droves, that would have been a clear statement.

Not doing so now means giving permission to this.


@aral @willoremus

Seriously, this needs to be punished.

Whoever is still clinging to #twitter is now in effect *voting* against transparency, and pro antisemitism.

Just leave #twitter, folks.

Aral Balkan

@willoremus One solution is for the press to stop covering him. Entirely. I mean I’m not sure what more he can do. He has already figuratively shat on you.


They keep going back and WANT to cover him. It’s almost as if they want him to pat them on the forehead with ‘good doggy’. Up til Dec 2022, I was seeing posts on here who for sure were journos crying/complaining about their twitter account being suspended. That’s how badly they want to be there on his site AND cover him.

Unfortunate and I feel bad for them. I hope they’ll learn…one day!


@willoremus Appropriate emoji. It reflects the quality of his website...

Jonah Burke-Kleinman

@willoremus don’t understand why so many people who would consider themselves to have somewhat ethical and moral behaviour think it’s appropriate to continue using that site and generating content and value for this massive dickhead


@willoremus I would find it so valuable if someone would run a survey evaluating digital marketers willingness to continue to invest in Twitter advertising after all of this.

Chris Lewis

@willoremus The "press department" responds to every message with a poop emoji. I expect he's fired the department.

Daniel Thomas Burosh

@willoremus Elon Musk is a piece of shit and so is anybody who puts a dime in that fucker’s pocket.


What are the chances that's by design?

Joel M. Benge - Nerd That Talks Good

@willoremus Can't wait for Poop to send Twitter a Cease and Desist order for making it look bad.


It’s challenging to respect the people and pundits who stay with twitter


@willoremus hopefully this year he'll finally get the visit from the three ghosts of Christmas in order to change his moronic attitude.

Dioramic Life

@willoremus The article doesn't properly cite the study at all. No link, should the reader want to learn more about the study itself.

Mobile Suit Golem

Not at all surprised that the platform owned by the Apartheid South African Emerald Mine Owner's Child has a rise in antisemitism and overall hate speech.


@willoremus at the same time there's GOP backing Israel despite whatever, then too many people around with name Cohen who either go to jail for election fraud or spam Russian propaganda

Logan 🏳️‍🌈💾🌹

@willoremus Incredible how he thought setting up that auto-response for the press email was a good idea

Truth Matters

@willoremus @aral time for journalists to stop creating content on birdsite

Andreas K

@willoremus Don't worry, these pesky researchers doing irritating studies will stop when they see how much they are supposed to pay to get a bit of Twitter data from next month on.

Problem solved.

Rhombus Ticks

@willoremus #ElonIsAToilet What else would you expect from someone so full of shit?

Catherine Russell

@willoremus And people keep saying to me, "Oh come back Catherine, just ignore him, we do." #twitter #ElonMusk

Co 🏳️‍🌈🌲👻🌲

@CatherineRussell2 those who chose to stay blind in their safe little bubbles... every time i pop over there and browse the trending page, it makes me sick and honestly, quite terrified.


@CatherineRussell2 @willoremus l admire the fact, even though you have over 40 thousand followers you have taken a stand and have chosen to come here and not stay somewhere that is toxic.

Granny Bear Josie

@willoremus This would be why I downloaded and deleted my Twitter account last week. It's just not worth plowing through the bots, trolls and Fascist Spam to find worthwhile content.

Paul Sutton


That explains a lot, and a lot more about the level of maturity.

Best way to respond is to message back and say "In other words you condone it

then take a screenshot of

Original post
their reply
your response

and shat that with every newspaper and media outlet you can

gavinisdie :troll:

@willoremus I heard something similar like a DAY after Elon took control of Twitter


@willoremus Today B*ll O’R*lly showed up in my feed and that did it for me. No legitimate algorithm would have done that



unless AI character.. just caught FL gubnah ranting over and over aboout ' soros regd. trvmp arrest..

and as for pos twttir.. ha:

courts dont lie.. w. the FOIA

Maureen Crespo

That’s what we’ve been saying. Twitter is 💩 @willoremus


@willoremus he is a child of the Apartheid era is he not??


Whoever thought a 💩 was the professional response to this should be fired and never be in a similar position again.

Jeff Brown


that will be your standard response from now on.

Orca🌻 | 🏴🏳️‍⚧️ Twitter's whole communication department is fired, "Musk's press dept." as in automatic program 🫠

Frans Super

@willoremus Mr. Elon D. Musk clearly thinks that anyone who thinks differently is less than him… 😂


@willoremus Billionaires don’t have to respond to peasants anymore now that government doesn’t care about peasants anymore either


@willoremus 💩is appropriate… would also add 🔥 to 💩

Paul Widzowski

Well Musk is easy to understand from a Christian point of view, He is a serial adulterer, with his tryst with Brin's wife being a vile and clear case.

Second, I am unfascinated by the hyper wealthy, greedy and spoiled children.

the society defines "net worth" so that Musk has a higher score than, say Mother Teresa.

I follow God not mammon, and when it comes to "net worth" I score Mother Teresa higher than Musk.
So it goes.


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