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Efi (nap pet) 🦊💤

@aeva it's hard to explain, but @nasser made a livecoding music interface thing that might be similar to what you're making, maybe???


@efi I'm looking to maybe build something that is controlled by a midi keyboard primarily for recording arranging and playback, because most music software assumes a normal computer as the interface but also because most music software honestly is really intimidating to me and doesn't really fit the way I like to approach making music

Efi (nap pet) 🦊💤

@aeva oooh, ok... well, I don't know shit about music, so let me know if I can help (???)

aeva replied to Efi (nap pet) 🦊💤

@efi I had piano lessons for most of my childhood, gave up on it as a tween, then picked it up again I think about 4 or 5 years ago and self taught myself a bunch of music theory and how to compose music. The way I'm used to writing music is sheet music oriented, which nobody does for electronic music, so the going has been kinda slow

aeva replied to Efi (nap pet) 🦊💤

@efi I think I've used that one, but it didn't really click

aeva replied to aeva

@efi I'm really shooting for something that's more in the ballpark of "mario paint" or a pocket operator in terms of interface complexity

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