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Fedilab Apps

#Fedilab allows you to use public API from other instances to get all information when visiting a profile or viewing a thread.

From a profile you will get all messages, following and followers.

From a thread you will get all replies and the ability to see all accounts that boosted / added to favourites.

As soon as you interact with a message or an account, the app will do everything in background so your instance is aware of that. It is fully transparent for you.

More in media descriptions.

Ruth Chaves Lizano :mastodon:

Hola buenas tardes qué pasa con el traductor de fedilab?es que a veces no sirve 😢

Fedilab Apps

If you use Fedilab translator we got an issue recently but it is fixed now.

Ruth Chaves Lizano :mastodon:

Mas bien ése fue el que me sirvió jajaja, muchas gracias ya todo está bien. 🤗😘


A couple of the many reasons I use #Fedilab! Keep up the great work on the app :ablobcatheartsqueeze:

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