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Eugen Rochko

Next release of Mastodon will allow admins to post important announcements to their users, and yes, those are reactions


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a pup of coffee :v_agender: :bowie: ☕

@Gargron That is a great update! I try to do those announcements when I do things like instance updates

Alyx Rydia
I'm sure this won't help inflate anyone's ego at all.
cry fieri

@Gargron can’t wait to see eve send “I’m gay” to all 200,000 dot social users

Gracious Anthracite


Oh nice, I like. I am sure there are some users on my instance who will be happy to stop following my personal account which I also use for talking about admin stuff.

Are links allowed in these? I can definitely see wanting to do something like "Hey everyone! I just updated to the latest release, which gives us x, y, z, and a bunch more little things - check out [this toot] for more details."

niko infinito :blobturtle:

@Gargron now i can announce to myself and even react on it

Eugen Rochko

Okay let me be clear here, those are reactions to announcements. I didn't mean to say reactions would be available for normal posts. Not at the moment. This is not a committment to add reactions to everything down the line though. More of an experiment.

Aaron Garcia

@Gargron what kind of customizations are available to admins? I had considered running my own instance. But for it to be worthwhile, I was curious to know what customizable settings are there?


@Gargron are reactions really something people need/want?

RiCK B-Dogg


Sounds like Rankism:

Rankism is "abusive, discriminatory, or exploitative behavior towards people because of their rank in a particular hierarchy".

:fedora: filippo db :gnu:

@Gargron will the long-time inactive users receive an email after the admin announcement? If so it’ll be great!!

Matt Crawford

@Gargron That's awesome. Btw do you have a timeline of when the new version will be coming out.

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