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Eugen Rochko

I had the opportunity to observe a peer that's never heard of Mastodon go through the iOS app onboarding process a week back, and it all went smoothly up until the regional server they chose turned out to block sign-ups with GMail addresses. I later notified the owner of that server and got it fixed but how long did it go unnoticed?


@Gargron :thinktink: that's not an address one should block.. Only the real sketchy ones or at least you're sure it's from a single person or botnet only


@Gargron Gmail and #Google in general have become quite evil so people should switch to #protonmail or other better more private companies. I worked with the current product manager of Google Chrome named Nasim Sedaghat and while she is nice and technically talented I am not afraid to say she does not care about users and privacy but simply about career as she has admitted on a tweet.


@Gargron What's wrong with blocking mail servers in general?

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