@sophieschmieg @regehr @dan Anything* can happen.
*It’s not all equally likely, and you probably won’t like it, but it could happen.
@sophieschmieg @regehr @dan Anything* can happen. *It’s not all equally likely, and you probably won’t like it, but it could happen. https://raphlinus.github.io/programming/rust/2018/08/17/undefined-behavior.html 1 comment
@sophieschmieg @regehr @dan Apologies for the lack of alt text, I don’t seem to have the option to edit it in (maybe because I used the edit function to add the picture?)
The picture depicts a bugfuck-bonkers scene with orange sky, flying unicorn and disembodied mouths and eyes. It’s meant to convey the kinds of things that could happen if you allow UB.