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Remember back when search engines were somewhat usable? That was nice.

Mathias Hasselmann

@CrustaceanSingles What really annoys me: If there is a trivial primary source for the question, but all the search engines hide this information among tons of SEO spam. I can deal with search engines not showing the best source on top for diffuse questions, but for very specific technical questions I am seriously annoyed.


@CrustaceanSingles I feel like I'm trying to trick my search engine into working lately more than just using it. For example, looking for seed information about direct-sow vs starting indoors today. It was a wrestling match.


@CrustaceanSingles Amazon does this too. Which seems odd, if I'm searching for a specific item, showing me random other items isn't likely to make a sale, just piss me off.


@CrustaceanSingles Whats worse is when the top hit is a post on a forum that I asked a week ago that got no useful answers

Kim Belding

@CrustaceanSingles It's gotten to the point that I need to add "Reddit" to the end of every search I make to read something actually made by a human being.


@CrustaceanSingles I’ve only recently woken up to how bad this has gotten, and I feel stupid for not paying attention to the problem earlier. I can’t believe how far I have to scroll to find anything close to what I was aiming for. Hitting the library might actually be faster.

toybox [de]

@CrustaceanSingles I remember when you went to google.[country code] and got results in the country language relevant in the country zone. Now I only get results in German, and no amount* of selecting "country options" or whatever appears to change that. It is seriously frustrating.

* Ok, some amount I'm sure but nothing I've tried.

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