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Eugen Rochko

And as I said, the #iOS app is open source. I’ll request a Crowdin project soon. However, just because it’s open source doesn’t mean that we’ll accept any change through PRs. If you want to be sure, contact me first.

Григорий Клюшников

Interesting how there's literally zero objective-c

Eugen Rochko

@grishka The iOS language has been Swift for a while now

@Gargron You probably answered this so many times, but will you port this app to Android too?

@Gargron I've made Mastodon-ios Japanese compatible, but is it possible to merge it?

The AppStore reviews are also asking for Japanese support.

Eugen Rochko

@rinia We’ll add other languages as soon as possible! I need to check in with other developers about being able to merge your PR, there may be legal difficulties since we need to dual-license for Apple

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