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Григорий Клюшников

Smithereen is actually unique in that it shows Lemmy communities as groups. IMO it would make much more sense for Lemmy to avoid this whole kludge with Announce and set a standard for federated forums. I'm going to have discussion boards in groups at some point.


@grishka How would you do it without Announce? Pages and Notes (posts and comments) are created by users and sent to the community, which shares it. So I dont see how else it could be done.


  Григорий Клюшников

Lemmy, you could make use of my FEP 😏

  Григорий Клюшников

@grishka What would be the advantage of your proposed solution compared to our current implementation using Announce? It would require a major rewrite on our part, and so far i'm not convinced at all that its worth the effort.


  Григорий Клюшников

Lemmy, the idea is that you're not posting to your followers, but to a group, bypassing the notion of followers entirely. You ask a group to add a post to its collection of posts. IMO it's a powerful mechanism because it allows implementing all kinds of complex interactions without sacrificing your sanity. Walls, forums, group photo albums, all kinds of other things that people can contribute to. VK groups have a section with files for example, to which any group participant can upload new ones. You could do this with this mechanism, too.

Are you sure about a rewrite? It's mostly the same thing you already have except it's Add instead of Announce.

Lemmy, the idea is that you're not posting to your followers, but to a group, bypassing the notion of followers entirely. You ask a group to add a post to its collection of posts. IMO it's a powerful mechanism because it allows implementing all kinds of complex interactions without sacrificing your sanity. Walls, forums, group photo albums, all kinds of other things that people can contribute to. VK groups have a section with files for example, to which any group participant can upload new ones....


@grishka Maybe rewrite is too much said, but it would definitely break compatibility with previous Lemmy versions. We are not planning to add file uploads into collections or anything like that, so Announce is totally sufficient for us.


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