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Aral Balkan

@PINE64 wtf? *hugs* to you all, must not be fun trying to sort that out. You had one job, DHL! I mean, bloody hell, when capitalists can even capitalism properly! *smh*


@aral @PINE64 Capitalists are in general often not very good at “capitalism”, since the goal is delivering the worst service the customer will [be forced to] accept, not the best possible.

Aexi Ruch

@aral @PINE64 I’m inclined to believe they capitalismed exactly as intended… Probably saved a ton of money by making such mistakes possible (overworked people, skimped on checks, etc.) and in all likelihood they’ll manage to avoid paying any damages; Hell they’ll probably try to make @PINE64 pay for re-shipment. I’ve yet to see a case where global markets have actually lead to a better product instead of an emergent race to the bottom…

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